Voir la version complète : Painting the Future

09/08/2013, 23h02
Je ne suis pas certain d'être dans la bonne section… au demeurant, voici une vidéo intéressante de la Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2013 (WWDC)*:

Painting the Future, au sujet de MARI

Be among the first to see the unveiling of MARI on OS X, the supercharged 3D painting package coming to the Mac later this year, running on the next generation Mac Pro. Jack Greasley, The Foundry’s MARI Product Manager, will chart MARI's rapid rise from in-house studio tool to the film industry’s painting tool of choice. He will detail MARI's evolution, from its original conception during Weta Digital's visual effects work on Avatar to becoming a critical element in making countless blockbusters a reality. Then watch as Pixar character shading artist, Jonathan Hoffman, makes full use of the power of the next generation Mac Pro to demonstrate how MARI was used to help bring Monsters University to life.

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